A gallery of plants and pods, filled with small house plants, terrariums, and local bugs! Winter Flowering The my grandma's hibiscus I've been taking care of is so happy that it flowered in the middle of the winter. :> Grandpa Plant My Grandpa's plant, that we took when he died years ago. A Parlor Palm, some kind of Ardisia, and Syngoniums (which I rooted a whole separate plant out of). Seemingly unkillable. Rooting Took a good while for these to actually push out some roots. Still got some way to go for most of these. Not sure if I wanna transplant these back in the original pot or experiment with leca. Plant Box My little box I throw under a grow light to grow stuff outside a grow box so they have better low humidity tolerance. Poor string of turtles is always struggling. Fiddle Sticks My Lemon Buttons don't really throw up fiddle sticks (they kinda... drill out), but my boston fern does and it's cute~ String Bean Horde Turtle Farm Pink Fittonia Albivenis Secret Snail Albino Pod Propagation Box Pods on a Leaf