
Simple Update to test if a NSFW filter will hide images on the neocities updates. I'll worry about turning NSFW on and off after I test if it actually blurs the image.

edit: And update done and working, complete with NSFW toggle.


Wow I kinda had the ALL feed only posting nail updates. Should be fixed.


Kinda want a place to post some of my porn stuff. I'm starting to feel like I shouldn't be as guarded about it, especially because it's an open secret. I think some of the more intense stuff is still better off private, but I feel like I should be able to post a lot more than I have. I'm considering neocities (maybe a NSFW section) or maybe another bsky account.


Lets actually use this for some actual blog posts I don't want make anywhere else. I was thinking about AI coding and why it made me feel less gross than AI art. The initial feeling here would be of course I care about art more, I'm an artist. Sure, I code, but I'm not a coder. Code is a means to an end. That... doesn't seem quite right though.


Added in Pagination, which isn't active on most pages yet (blog posts and pixels are the only page that needs them) but it's fun to have enough content for it to be necessary. But if you notice anything isn't behaving right, let me know!


Finally got the pixel page up. Always gonnna be new features and stuff I want to add, plants still needs it's own custom background, but for the most part I got my nice big masonry gallery filled with tacky colors and things I like!

Very happy with it! Have had a lot of fun learning 11ty. I don't regret using Grav over it for my main web stuff, but it's definitely pretty cute.


Having a lot of fun now that I have everything set up. Still got to do the pixel section but seeing the new homepage just being this huge dump of colorful boxes is fun. I still feel like it'll be challenging to get any sort of engagement and interaction here, but it's good to have a smaller place I can just post whatever. It's for me, even if neocities or anywhere else goes down.


Redid the text with some classic PC fonts found over at int10h.org. I realized my fonts were doublescale so this adds some free clarity without breaking the pixel scale.

Working on filling out the other categories. I think wrestling is next, which should be fun because I wanna be able to mix text and images more.


Getting reply guyed over this post is driving me crazy. The person doesn't matter and it's not like I wasn't rude to them over it. But seeing how they responded exposed so much of how this kind of poster thinks...


Updated things over at bluesky and made a special account for tracking things. This will also automatically handle the comment sections too!